Plemjannitschek / Племянничек von Nikola Lutz aus der Reihe zek
Plemjannitschek / Племянничек

zek #2 Nikola Lutz – Plemjannitschek / Племянничек

starting from February 2nd 2025


Plemjannitschek / Племянничек is a live audio-visual performance with voice, electronics and interactive nota webspace, in which the short story of the same name by Maxim Znak is set to music. Plemjannitschek / Племянничек is part of the "zek" series of events that will take place in Stuttgart between 2024 and 2025. Znak's short story is part of his work "Zekameron / Зекамерон", which in short scenes gives insights into the life of prisoners in Belarus.

The series zek [зек - Russian for convict] commemorates the fate of Masha Kalesnikava, Maxim Znak and other political prisoners. Musical reflections of texts written in prison form a thread from prisoners to freedom, self-determined communication and survival. zek actively stands in the way of forgetting and nourishes the public resonance space of memory, which can be their only possible protection.


Nikola Lutz - electronics, voice, video

Jorge Chikiar- performance, audio


special thanks to:
Tatiana López
Jorge Chikiar 
Romina Mara Toma 
Khrystyna Tsurkan
Vlad Grakowski

with the kind permission of:
edition vremja

recorded @ 
Gedok Stuttgart September 2024

portrait mascha kalesnikava

Turning and Turning – Homage to Maria Kalesnikava

Wednesday, January 29


8:00 pm

GEDOK Gallery
Hölderinstrasse 17
70174 Stuttgart

The first three words of the poem 'The Second Coming' by W. B. Yeats from 1919 give the evening concert its title: 'Turning and turning in the widening gyre/The falcon cannot hear the falconer'. The image of a 'widening gyre' symbolizes the inevitable catastrophe that occurs when opposing movements become unbalanced - right up to historical developments. Trio vis-à-vis uses this title to create a tribute concert for their friend and flautist of the ensemble between 2016 and 2020, Maria Kalesnikava. Her figure represents the metaphor of the turning point in every respect: a turning point with regard to the dramatic fate of her life as a political prisoner in Belarus since September 9, 2020.

Trio vis-á-vis: Petra Arman (flute), Natasha López (voice), Hugo Rannou (violoncello). With works by Iván González Escuder (world premiere), Johannes Kreidler, Artur Kroschel, Charlotte Seither, Neil Tòmas Smith and Beat Furrer

Admission free!

Und alle Flieger fliegen nach Minsk / And all planes fly to Minsk

SUNDAY, 12/15/2024


5 pm

Theaterhaus, MDJ, P1
Siemensstrasse 13
70469 Stuttgart

Concert in the Südseite Nachts series
New Vocal Soloists Stuttgart
Music by Vladimir Rannev, Marina Lukashevich, Oxana Omelchuk, Sergei Nevsky and others.

The concert is dedicated to the Belarusian freedom fighter Maria Kalesnikava
